Nurse Practitioner Salary in New Jersey: City by City Breakdown

Nurse practitioners (NPs) in New Jersey earn between $80,000 and $100,000 per year on average. Although NPs in New Jersey are licensed to practice as independent healthcare professionals, they are reliant on physicians. They cannot provide medications to their patients…

Nurse Practitioner Salary in Tennessee: Explained City by City

The limitations placed on nurse practitioner scope of practice in Tennessee have a significant impact on nurse practitioner compensation. NPs serve as mid-level primary care professionals who require careful supervision from supervising physicians, although Tennessee’s Administrative Code recognizes them. In…

Nurse Practitioner Salary in New York: Explained City by City

In response to the Covid crisis, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed an executive order in 2020 authorizing nurse practitioners to offer comprehensive medical services without the supervision of a physician as long as those services were consistent with the…