In certain parts of Ontario, PSW jobs are many but there are no applicants.
Sudbury is one such place.
Independent Centre and Action Network (ICAN) is having a tough time filling their Personal Support Worker vacancies. They have created a partnership with a school to train PSW’s to work at their centre.
Students who are interested in becoming a Personal Support Worker are sponsored by ICAN to complete their education and training. These students do the clinical part of the program at ICAN and are welcome to choose ICAN as their employer.
In an interview with CBC radio, CEO of ICAN Marie Leon, revealed that there is extreme shortage of Personal Support Workers in Sudbury.
If you are looking to work as a PSW, you can search in the following box for your dream job or you can visit our PSW Jobs page.
Few experts from the interview are:
“ICAN and all agenicies through out Sudbury like ours are challenged with human resource requirements, especially PSW’s. There is a definite lack of PSW’s.”
“Picking a great career direction or just starting out, it is a really great opportunity”
Amy, a student of the PSW program, also had some interesting facts to share:
“There is a high demand for PSW’s”
“It’s very challenging to be a PSW but there are many different areas you can go into, it’s not just taking care of elderly people, definitely not.”
Listen to the complete interview and discover how becoming a Personal Support Worker can be a great career choice.
Interview | Shortage of Personal Support Workers in Ontario
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I am very interested in taking the PSW program. Could you please forward me some information?
Thank you,
Karen…PSWHQ is an informational website for Personal Support Workers in Ontario and do not offer any courses. Visit the following pages for more information on PSW courses:
PSW Course options in Ontario
This article will give you a comparison of various options available for pursuing PSW courses.
Places that offer PSW courses with minimal fees
Hope this helps. Let me know on where you decide to enrol.