The Rise of Men As Personal Support Workers

The Personal Support Worker profession remains overwhelmingly female. According to Canadian Women’s Health Network (CAHN), more than 90% of PSW’s are female.

Historically, not very many men would become Personal Support Workers but their numbers are on the rise. More recently, there are many men who are joining this profession.   


In the past, nursing duties were relegated mainly to militant and religious sectors, both of which were male dominated.

So what happened?

Gender stereotypes have been suggested as to one reason why there aren’t many men in the field. Women have been seen traditionally as nurturers and caregivers, but these social norms are changing as more men are coming on board.


The American Assembly of Men In Nursing is an organization dedicated to supporting and encouraging men in the healthcare field.

It was started in 1971 by a man named Steve Miller.

Miller was a nurse who, along with other male nurses, thought it was time to get together as a group to gain support for men in the field. Over the years this group flourished and it is in part to organizations such as these that more and more men are joining the healthcare team.


Male PSW'sAnother reason why men are becoming PSWs, other than the obvious fact that it is a fantastic job is to springboard into the healthcare field.

Many PSW’s, men included, go on to further their schooling to become nurses or even doctors.

People who are new to the country often look into PSW work as it is a relatively short program and the job options are immense. The pay can far exceed other professions with the same amount of education.

Diversity in the work place – whether it be race, culture or gender – is never a bad thing. Working with the same sex all the time can tend to be… well, difficult.

Working in an environment with a mix of male and female PSW’s encourages professionalism.

You get different viewpoints on situations and different ideas when dealing with issues.

From the resident perspective, having a few more manly faces around isn’t such a bad idea either. For instance, some male residents would be far more comfortable discussing any issues they may have with someone who could understand better than a woman would.

Male or female, personal support workers are in high demand and will be as long as we have ageing seniors with illnesses who need our help.  

Whether you are becoming a PSW to spring board into nursing or you genuinely love the field, this is a great profession.

Men are just as caring and nurturing as women.

Resources you’ll need to become a Personal Support Worker

On this page, you can find anything there is to know about how to become a personal support worker, how to succeed as one, and how to continue your education. This is the place to come to and look for all the PSW resources and information that you may need on your journey as a Personal Support Worker.

PSW job interview questions

If you’re determined to pass your next PSW interview with flying colors, we’re here to help. PSWHQ have put together a thorough online guide with PSW interview questions and appropriate sample answers to these questions that hit the target, and are concise and supportive.

Performing well in the interview is just one part of many others needed to secure a PSW Job. First and foremost, you’ll need to have an impeccable résumé and cover letter in order to be called for an interview.

Guide to finding PSW jobs

After you have decided to become a Personal Support Worker and completed the course you are now at a point to start looking for work. It is important that you explore all the jobs listed under different job titles, which is why you should go through our ultimate guide to finding PSW jobs.

We also help you find PSW job postings from hospitals, long-term care homes, and community and private settings.

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Avlin is passionate about helping aspirants become better personal support workers. He is an entrepreneur and runs a clinic in Toronto.

Articles: 226


  1. I am studying for my certification test. Can you tell me if there are any websites that have practice tests for PSW’s.

  2. Nice article. I’ve been a male PSW for ten years. It’s had it’s ups and downs like every other job. If you going to survive in this field as a male PSW you have to do two things. First check your temper out the door. Your dealing with old fragile seniors. Second you cant have a problem being told what to do by a women. Trust me on this one. I have seen guys come and go cause of there ego

  3. I guess I was thrown in the deep end with caring for my mother who suddenly became disabled following a fall – losing the use of her legs. I nursed Mum for 4 years increasingly disabled and working part time – very supportive employers helped. This was tough but also rewarding to the soul. Soon after losing Mum I lost my job as company folded, I went into gardening and still do some – I find this helps as a contrast to nurturing people to nurture nature too. I started as a support worker and work alongside two men on a continual basis. It is about being able and willing to serve, and being humble. Last year I came out as gay having fought it for some time and for me I believe this has helped me in the heart of caring, it is important that when you are with the client you dedicate your time and attention to them, being aware of health and safety and legal obligations of care. I am still learning on this job and maybe I will always do so but I must admit I love this job – maybe there are not too many jobs and careers you can commence at age 57. My advice is look to your own heart why and if you want to care – no indeed need to care, and if you are gay like me don’t be afraid to investigate, challenges will come but I guess it’s all about a learning curve. I realise you need to love yourself in order to love others too whether that is in a professional capacity as in caring or in a relationship on a private basis and the two are very separate. I guess I am a sensitive caring gay male and this job suits me – but of course you do not need to be gay to have the heart gift for this job. It is the first time in my life I can feel I am a holistic person – Being Christian and gay is complimentary also. I am not trying to say male supporters are gay – I just ask for acceptance as I am and it works for me – as one of my male clients said as he worked out for himself that I am gay – I asked if needed a different carer – he said no he just needed someone to care ! I live in UK but wish Canada every good wish.

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