Ontario District School Boards that Offer PSW Programs

For those who are looking to become a Personal Support Worker (PSW) in Ontario, there are many options to fulfill the necessary requirements before you can start working.

There are PSW programs offered by the Community Colleges, Private Career Colleges and there are many other options to become a Personal Support Worker for free

If you prefer online learning, there are many online PSW programs as well. 

Please note that this profession does not fall under the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA).

This means that unlike Nurses, PSW’s are not regulated and no licensure is required.

However, you do have to obtain a certificate/diploma by completing the PSW course.

PSW Program through District School Board

PSW Course through Ontario District School Boards
 PSW Course through Ontario District School Boards

Out of many options to complete this program, one is through a district school board.

Please note that not all Ontario district school boards offer this program.

There are only 24 school boards that collaborate with C.E.S.B.A. to provide such courses.

C.E.S.B.A. is the Ontario Association of Continuing Education of School Board Administrators that works with public and catholic school boards to develop and run programs geared towards skills development, employment, and continuing education.

District school boards in Ontario offer PSW programs through the Ontario Secondary School (OSS) health technology curriculum and under Cooperative Education Guidelines.

Following is the list of Ontario district school board that offers Personal Support Worker programs.

Please click on the name of the school board to get more details.
[table id=16 /]

Other Options to Complete The PSW Course

As mentioned above, Community and private career colleges also offer PSW diploma and certificate programs.

Please click here to find out which public community colleges and here to find out which private colleges offer Personal Support Worker Diploma programs.

Programs offered by these colleges may vary in program length, curricula, and method of delivery.

Image credit: Used under a Creative Commons Attribution from University of Michigan’s Ford School on Flickr.

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Avlin is passionate about helping aspirants become better personal support workers. He is an entrepreneur and runs a clinic in Toronto.

Articles: 226


    • Choedar, Glad to know the article was helpful.
      Let us know if you’d like to know about anything else related to the PSW industry.

  1. I am inquiring about PSW program through the Toronto school board, I live in Scarborough and would like some information on which school provide through the area or outlining area. I would greatly appreciate some information. Thanks

    • Arleen, Toronto District School Board offers PSW program through the City Adult Learning Centre (CALC).
      This course is approximately 7 months long.
      For more information, please click here.
      Let us know if you decide to pursue your course through CALC or elsewhere.

  2. I am International Educated and Registered Nurse I am having difficulties in finding a job as PSW. Regardless that I am on the process of application of my RN and RPN to CNO. I have the result that I am capable to take exam for RPN but still waiting to get my slots in my bridging program. Anyways my concern was most of companies that I applied are looking for PSW Certificate how to get it and equivalency of it with my degree. Also I got my experience in caring for almost 5+ years for elderly.

  3. i am new intake i live in ottawa i read social work first and second degree i will like to study psw in any government recognised school in ottawa

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